experts in
WEED control
Family owned & operated. Serving Arizona since 1982
PMD #5152
Our Services
EST Enterprises Inc
Weed Control
Fertilization / Insects
Olive Control
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What is the difference between pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides?
A pre-emergent herbicide is put down twice a year (approximately 6 months apart) to help prevent seeds from germinating. These herbicides only stay in the soil about 4 to 6 months. Therefore, we do two applications per year to get the best control.
A post-emergent is used when weeds are actively growing at the time of service. These herbicides kill the weeds by going into the roots and killing them from the ground up. Weeds grow at different rates, depending on the variety, light and temperature. Once the weed is treated, it takes about 7 to 14 days for the herbicide to get into the roots. At that time, or before, you will start noticing the leaves beginning to wilt and/or change color (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker). Once the plant shows these signs, it can be removed at the surface level.
How often should I have my yard sprayed for weed control?
You should have your yard sprayed every 6 months? In order to be environmentally friendly, pre-emergent only lasts in the soil approximately 4 to 6 months, according to the manufacturers and EPA standards. Therefore, it is vital to respray approximately every 6 months to maintain a continuous barrier to prevent the seeds from germinating.
What should I do before my next service appointment?
– Trim bushes & trees so we can spray closer to the plants. Weeds like to grow near bushes where they have a water source.
– Rake up all plant debris & leaves prior to our application so the spray can reach the ground.
– If you notice weeds between regular services, call us when they are small so we can do a spot treatment. Weeds 4 to 6 inches high are almost through their growth cycle & reseeding for next year.
Do I need to do anything after my weed control appointment?
Some clean up may be needed. If you have some weeds growing when we spray, it takes about 7 to 14 days for the chemicals to work into the root system. At that time, you will start noticing changes to the plants – wilting and/or color changes. Once you notice these changes, the weeds can be removed, at surface level, at any time. Also, check your sprinklers & make sure you are not overwatering. Water & warm weather make perfect weed growing conditions & desert plants need less water.
It rained shortly after you sprayed. Does that mean the chemicals were washed away?
Not at all. Pre-emergent herbicides are made to remain in place, even with heavy rain. We apply our pre-emergent with enough water that our customers don’t need to “water” them in. Some rain after application will not wash away the product.
When is the best time for me to get my yard sprayed?
The best time is before you have weeds. While a lot of places across the country have a specific season when plants grow, our great climate allows plants to grow year round. There are different weeds growing at different times of the year – so a year round weed control program is needed and no month is better to spray than another.
Because I got my property sprayed, does that mean I won’t get anymore weeds?
Unfortunately not. There are thousands of different weeds. We use products that offer the widest spectrum of control for the weeds native to our area. This is why we offer our warranty to our twice a year service customers – we will spot treat weeds that come back between regular pre-emergent applications at no additional cost to you (nutgrass, Bermuda & rye grass encroachment into rock areas, & tree volunteers are not included in our warranty).
Because I have weed control services, does that mean I don’t need a landscaper?
Regular maintenance is still necessary to keep your landscape “weed free”. Trimming bushes and raking leaves & seed pods prior to our spraying provides a clean area for the pre-emergent to be applied. Another key to weed control is eliminating excessive water sources, such as – lawn sprinkler overspray; emitters where plants have been removed; watering too long or too often; & pool backwashing. We have a network of landscape professionals to help with any of your needs.
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